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Bolsas - Concursos - Trabalho
Call - Director of the Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS, Lausanne)
Deadline: 15 May 2015
The Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences FORS invites applications for the position of the
Director (100%)
FORS is a national, research-based social science infrastructure. It manages some of the most prominent and important surveys in Switzerland, including the Swiss Household Panel, the Swiss ESS, ISSP, EVS, and the Swiss election study SELECTS. Its Data and Research Information Service provides several hundred fully-documented datasets for secondary data analysis as well as an information and documentation portal on statistical micro-data. FORS is also involved in academic education: It is responsible for the Swiss Summer School on methods in the social sciences and one of the partners involved in the joint Masters pro-gramme in Public Opinion and Survey Methodology. Finally, FORS maintains various col-laborations with institutions and scholars both within and outside of Switzerland.
FORS is a foundation hosted by the University of Lausanne. The trilingual website provides detailed information about FORS and its activities (
Due to the retirement of its current director, FORS is looking for a senior social scientist who is ready to meet the challenge of leading and further developing this institution. The ideal candidate for this unique position holds a doctorate in one of the social science disciplines, including social science research methods, or a related discipline. He or she has around ten years or more of experience in empirical research and a solid publication record, is familiar with European and global social science research infrastructures and with the Swiss higher education and research systems, has proven managerial skills in human resources and fi-nancial matters, a strong strategic sense and excellent communication skills, is fluent in French or German and additionally has a very good knowledge of the other language and of English.
FORS offers its collaborators a stimulating intellectual atmosphere in a dynamic multinational and multilingual working environment. The director has the support of a dedicated staff of highly qualified social scientists, and of an efficient and professional administration and IT team.
Place of work: Lausanne-Dorigny, Campus of the University of Lausanne.
Starting date: June 1, 2016, or upon agreement.
For additional information on this job offer, please contact the president of the foundation, Professor Franciska Krings:, +4121 692 2048.
Please submit your application (motivation letter, CV, publication list, diplomas) to the follow-ing address: by May 15, 2015.
FORS is committed to promoting the equitable representation of men and women among its staff, and thus encourages applications by women.
[ Informação Karl M. van Meter, BMS, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]