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Bolsas - Concursos - Trabalho
Call - Assistant Professor in Sociology (Univ of Amsterdam)
In the area of social stratification and inequality in combination with one (or more) of the following areas: education, family, labor markets, health, or lifestyles. This is a temporary position for 4 years.
For detailed information see:
Assistant professor in Sociology
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences – Department of Sociology
20 mei 2015
€3.324 to €5.171 gross per month
30 juni 2015
38 hours per week
The Department of Sociology is one of the departments in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Research and education are carried out by special institutes. The College of Social Sciences (CSS) and the Graduate School for the Social Sciences (GSSS) are responsible for the undergraduate and graduate teaching programmes in the social sciences. Research takes place under the aegis of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), a multidisciplinary research institute, the biggest one of its kind in the Netherlands and possibly in Europe. The broad scope and pluralism of our education and research programmes are inspired by and reflect a strong degree of internationalisation.
The Department of Sociology has a temporary opening for an Assistant professor in Sociology, who will be embedded in the AISSR Program Group 'Institution, Inequality and Life Courses' (AISSR-IIL), for the duration of four years. The position is in the area of social stratification and inequality in combination with one (or more) of the following areas: education, family, labor markets, health, or lifestyles.
S/he is currently expected to spend 60 percent of the time on teaching and 40 percent on research. Both activities include administrative tasks and services to the academic community. The new assistant professor is also expected to acquire, or contribute to the acquisition of, external research funding.
Job description
Contributing to the broad research and teaching profile of sociology in Amsterdam in general and to the sociology of social stratification in particular;
developing, carrying out and supervising empirical sociological research at a high academic level , developing a line of research in collaboration with existing research projects in the AISSR-IIL research group, and with junior staff members and other researchers working at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), its sociology program groups, and the Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies;
teaching general and specialist courses in in the disciplinary and interdisciplinary Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes of the College of Social Sciences and the Graduate School of Social Sciences, and co-supervising graduate students;
acquiring, or helping to acquire, external funding for research, notably funding from research councils;
engaging in activities outside the academic arena;
carrying out administrative tasks on behalf of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) the Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, the teaching programs, and so forth.
Candidates should have the following credentials:
strong general knowledge in the field of sociology as well as specialized knowledge and experience in the field of social stratification and inequality in combination with one or more of the following areas: education, labor markets, comparative research, social mechanisms;
commitment to the research agenda of the AISSR in general and the Program Group ‘Institutions, Inequalities, and Life courses’;
outstanding track record in empirical research as it is done in the Program Group ‘Institutions, Inequalities, and Life courses’, in particular (comparative and/or panel) survey research. Thorough mastery of advanced quantitative research methods, demonstrated in high-quality peer-reviewed publications;
outstanding publication record in internationally peer reviewed journals and/or books published by internationally recognized publishers;
proven record of good teaching, preferably at both Bachelor's and, Master's level. Also, a commitment to teaching general courses as well as specialist courses in the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Sociology and in the interdisciplinary Research Master Social Sciences;
commitment to carry out administrative tasks;
in possession of the Dutch Basic Teaching Qualification (or foreign equivalent), or willingness to acquire such a qualification on a fairly short term.
Further information
For more information about the position please contact/see:
Prof. Matthijs Kalmijn, director of programme group 'Institutions, Inequalities and Life Courses' or
Prof. Herman van de Werfhorst, director Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies
Institutions, Inequalities, and Life courses (IIL)
Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies
The full-time appointment (38 hrs / week) will be on a temporary basis for a period of four years (12 months plus a further 36 months contingent on a satisfactory performance during the first year). Depending on qualifications and experience, the salary will range from €3,324 up to €5,171 (scale 11/12).
This is in conformity with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Secondary benefits at Dutch universities are attractive and include 8% holiday pay and an 8.3% end of year bonus.
Job application
Applications by email only. These should include:
a concise statement of motivation (1 page max.);
CV and list of publications;
a statement outlining research plans (2 pages max.);
a statement outlining teaching philosophy (1 page max.);
a list of three referees.
At this stage of the procedure, please do not send letters of reference or proofs of your academic writing. All documents should be collected and sent as one single pdf email attachment with your name in the title to Please mention ‘UD IIL Stratification’ in the subject line.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2015.
[ Informação Karl M. van Meter, BMS, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]