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Open Call for one (1) Research Fellowship for PhD

Under the project of the Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA), UID/ANT/04038/2013 of FCT/MEC through national funds and when applicable co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, CRIA opens a call for one research fellowship.

The period for submission is October 8th to October 20th, 2015. Applications submitted after this period will not be eligible.

The fellowship will be attributed under the following conditions:

1. Fellowship Term and Legal Status
The fellowship will last 12 months and is expected to start on November 2015. The fellowship contract may be renewed, upon positive evaluation, with a possible extension until 2017. It is a full time research fellowship and all the conditions established by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology will be applied (more information

2. Profile and work plan of the candidates
The call is open to candidates holding a PhD in Anthropology, with significant research experience in topics related with migration. He/she should have relevant scientific publications after PhD.

The researcher recruited will be expected to consolidate the scientific objectives of the Research Group particularly through research relevant to the understanding of changes in migratory patterns in Portugal in the last five years (e.g. religious and political structuration of ethnic groups, modes of incorporation in Portuguese society, 2nd generation, re-emigration and new transnational circuits, new trends of emigration from Portugal). The researcher will also be in charge of the elaboration of critical reviews of the existing literature on emigration from Portugal and immigration to Portugal, produced in the last decades. It is expected that such reviews will lead to one or more scientific publications.
In assessing applications, particular emphasis will be placed upon the candidates’ research results and academic potential, as well as her/his academic and personal suitability to contribute to the aims and goals of Circulation and Place-Making Research Group, in particular, and CRIA’s in general.

3. Fellowship value
The fellowship value will be based on the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology rules for fellowships, monthly stipend of 1495 euros for research fellowship – PhD level (tax free)(more information

4. Job description
    The researcher recruited will be expected to perform the following tasks:
• Conduct and supervise research on the proposed domain;
• Prepare applications for national and international projects and promote new research projects and scientific activities;
• Promote the quality and internationalization of scientific production;

5. Required documentation
• Detailed Curriculum Vitae;
• Certificate of PhD degree;
• Identification document
• Letter describing the candidate’s current research interests;
• Copy of the best three publications;
• Research project proposal (no more than 5 pages) introducing a working/output timetable);
• Research project proposal including: Abstract (maximum 150 words); State of Art (maximum 500 words); Objectives (maximum 300 words); Detailed description (maximum 1000 words); Project Schedule ( 2015-2020); Bibliography (up to 20 references);
• Plan of activities to be developed in CRIA and specifically in the Research Group ‘Circulation and Place Making’: publications in international journals with peer reviews, submission of projects to national and international funding agencies; participation in international networks and projects; organization of summer courses; organization of scientific meetings and events;  participation in CRIA’s activities (maximum 1500 words)
• Two letters of recommendation from social scientists, neither of whom may be the thesis’ supervisor.

6. Jury Panel
Professor João Leal; Professor José Mapril; Professor Miguel Vale de Almeida

7. Period of application
 The Applications should be submitted (using the Fellowship Reference: BPD_04038_CPM, from October 8th to October 20th 2015, by e-mail to

For further information:
CRIA – Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia
Manuela Raminhos

[ Informação CRIA Divulgação ]