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Job Announcements
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT 40/2015 Vacancy for 1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Deadline for Applications: 20-01-2016
The Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon) invites candidates to apply for a Research Grant as a Postdoctoral Fellow. The post will be awarded within the framework of "TRANSRIGHTS - Gender citizenship and sexual rights in Europe: Transgender lives from a transnational perspective" (615594), funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and coordinated by Dr. Sofia Aboim. More information available at:
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT 39/2015 Vacancy for 1 Research Fellowship (BI)
Deadline for Applications: 20-01-2016
The Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon) invites candidates to apply for one Grant as Research Assistant (BI). The Grant will be awarded within the framework of "TRANSRIGHTS - Gender citizenship and sexual rights in Europe: Transgender lives from a transnational perspective" (615594), funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and coordinated by Dr Sofia Aboim. More information available at:
[ Informação Sofia Aboim, ICS-ULisboa ]