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Call - Tenure-track Faculty Position in Sociology (Pompeu Fabra Univ, Barcelona)

Tenure-track faculty position in the area of sociology

The Department of Political and Social Science at the Pompeu Fabra University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of sociology starting in September of 2016.

A fast tenuretrack may be considered based on the candidate's research experience and academic position.


The Department of Political and Social Science at the Pompeu Fabra University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of sociology
( starting in September of 2016. A fast tenuretrack may be considered based on the candidate’s research experience and academic position.

Applicants should hold a PhD in Sociology, Demography, Economics or Statistics, with a strong background in quantitative research methods and a sound post-doc experience in research and teaching. Preferred area of specialization is social stratification with special interest in social deviance.

Teaching duties include courses at both undergraduate and graduate level. The successful candidate is expected to become integrated in any of our ongoing, comparative research projects which focus on the following themes:
deviance, family demography, international migration, changing relations between households and labour markets, the dynamics of life chances, women and employment, and social and family policies.

Our department combines research in demography, sociology, criminology and industrial relations. It offers degrees at both the undergraduate and doctoral level.
The Department ranks among the best in Political Science in Southern Europe.
Applicants should send a reference letter and CV, including a description of their teaching and research experience, to:

Sra. Carme Casanovas Montañà
Secretary of Department of Political and Social Sciences Ramon TriasFargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona, Spain

The deadline for completed applications is 14th of March, 2016.

[ Informação Karl M. van Meter, BMS, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]