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Bolsas - Concursos - Trabalho


Call - Two Assoc Prof Positions in the Dept of Sociology (Univ of Bergen NO)

Deadline: 9 February 2017

Associate professor
At the Department of Sociology, University of Bergen, there are two vacant positions as Associate Professor. We welcome you as an applicant to one of these two positions (

The Department of Sociology is located in Bergen, a city of culture and with beautiful surrounding nature. The Department is part of an extensive social science environment at The Faculty of Social Sciences and collaborates with other sociology departments nationally and internationally. The comprehensive teaching programmes include a one-year sociology programme; a Bachelor-; a Master-, and a PhD programme. The current research at the department represents a broad profile that is based on long term research traditions. The research is concentrated on three priority areas:

      Welfare, Inequality and Life course
      Migration, Development and the Environment
      Work, Knowledge, Education and Economy

The successful applicants are expected to participate in the department’s 's research and teaching activities (see as well as efforts to strengthen externally funded research. It is desirable that the successful applicants contribute to the development of one or several of the department’s research priority areas. Applicants should have a positive attitude to taking on administrative tasks and management functions.

Qualifications and personal qualities:
The positions require a doctoral degree or equivalent qualifications in sociology.
It is desirable that applicants have proven their ability to publish sociological research results at a high international level beyond their PhD dissertation.
In the assessment of the scientific work particular emphasis will be placed on research in the last five years.
It is expected that the applicants have made good progress in their research and publishing, and that they have plans for further research and publishing.
The applicants must be willing and able to teach compulsory courses in sociology at both the undergraduate and the graduate level and take part in planning and implementation of teaching and supervision and censorship. Development of teaching material is meritorious. Teaching experience must be documented.
Administrative experience and ability to present research to a wider audience will also be emphasized.
Basic teaching training is a requirement. The appointee to this position will be offered appropriate pedagogical training if this requirement has not been met previous to appointment.
We will take into consideration that the applicants can contribute to the department’s general sociological teaching programmes and have the personal qualities the positions require.

The teaching language will normally be Norwegian. It is a requirement that the candidates offered the positions are able to teach in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language within two years after employment start date.

The University can offer
Good academic and social environment with high research quality.
Salary at pay grade 62 - 70 (code 1011/ Pay range 24) in the state salary scale. This currently amounts to an annual salary of NOK 532 400 – 621 800,- before taxes. Further increase in salary will depend on seniority. A higher salary may be considered for a particularly well qualified applicant.
Enrolment in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund og good welfare benefits A position in an inclusive workplace (IA enterprise) Your application must include:
A cover-letter showing motivation for the position, planned research initiatives and reflections on current challenges for teaching and learning in higher education CV Certifies copies of diplomas and certificates Complete list of publications List of academic work that you believe should be taken into consideration in the assessment, including information about where this work was published Documentation of pedagogical qualifications such as completed teaching training, evaluation reports from students, overview over scope and level of teaching, overview over supervision of post-graduate and doctoral students, student awards received, own teaching publications and own teaching compendia and material The application and appendices with certified translations into English or a Scandinavian language must be uploaded electronically by the link on this page “Apply for this job”. The application must contain all information that should be taken into consideration when evaluating your academic qualifications. Based on this information, the expert committee will perform a review of the applicants. Subsequently, the faculty will invite the best-qualified applicants to submit scholarly works and transcripts/certificates. Employment is based on the expert assessment and an independent judgment from Head of department including interview and trial lecture.

The application has to be marked with: 17/784

The closing date is February 9, 2017

Applications sent by email will not be evaluated.

For information
Additional information about the position is obtainable from the Head of the Department, Professor Karen Christensen, phone: +47 55 58 91 42, or by email:

We kindly ask the applicants to follow the guidelines for applicants to intermediate level positions at the Faculty of Social Sciences closely.
The guidelines are obtainable by contacting

Women in particular are invited to apply. If, in the opinion of the evaluation committee, several applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, the rules on equal opportunities laid down in the Personnel Regulations for Academic Positions will be applied.

State employment shall reflect the diversity of the population at large.
The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition, and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of non-Scandinavian background are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.

Information about the applicants may be made public even if the applicants have requested not to be named in the list of applicants. The applicants will be notified if their request is not respected.

The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions.

The successful applicants must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.

[ Informação VAN METER Karl, CNRS ]