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Bolsas - Concursos - Trabalho


Call for a post-doctoral researcher within a new project led by RECSM

We are happy to announce the start of a new international project led by RECSM:
"Care, Retirement & Wellbeing of Older People Across Different Welfare Regimes" (CREW).

CREW is an interdisciplinary and cross-national project carried out by a consortium of six teams from five countries:  

•    RECSM-University Pompeu Fabra (RECSM-UPF, Spain; Project coordinator; PI: Bruno Arpino)
•    the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI, Netherlands; PI: Anne Gauthier)
•    Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium; PI: Ester Rizzi)
•    University of Florence (Italy; PI: Gustavo De Santis)
•    University of Padua (Italy; PI: Maria Letizia Tanturri)
•    University of Western Ontario (Canada; PI: Rachel Margolis)

The general goal of CREW is to examine the interrelationships between care, work, health and wellbeing at older ages.

For more information on our project visit our website ( and follow us on Twitter (

Within this project we are pleased to announce the following job offer:

[ Informação RECSM - UPF ]